Meet our community of Guides, Healers and Teachers trained and certified through
The Modern Mystery School
Modern Mystery School Certified Guide, Healer, Teacher, Ritual Master and OR Board Certified ND
I have been a Naturopathic Doctor for almost 20 years. I chose that path to honor my love of nature and to learn the Naturopathic model of whole person healing for body, mind, and spirit. For the past 10 years, I have also been studying energetic healing and metaphysics with the Modern Mystery School because I found it essential to seek further understanding of how to approach the aspect of spirit. At Integrative Healing Arts, I offer IV therapy, Ensofic Reiki, diet and nutrition counseling, meditation classes, energetic clearing protocols, detox protocols, Life Activations, and much more! Through this unique combination of services, people learn to balance body, mind, and spirit to achieve true well-being and can choose to follow a path of progression for continued personal and spiritual growth. My passion is inspiring people to fulfill their highest potential in life by exploring and expanding their vision of who and what they truly are so they are empowered to actualize their authentic selves in the world.
Certified Modern Mystery School Guide, Healer, Teacher, Level 3 Ritual Master
To reach Diana call 503-750-0283 or email
To reach Ben call 503-896-8383 or email him at